
Ingredients & Benefits

Unlike other hydration drinks on the market that are simply salt & sugar, ably Brain Water is ethically crafted using the earth’s most precious electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and botanicals applying scientific ratios.Ably’s exclusive combination of ingredients not only maximizes hydration for both body and mind, but also significantly improves cognitive function and mood.

Lions Mane 


Lions Mane, the mystical mushroom that has us buzzing with excitement! This funky fungus brings a whole range of benefits to the table, making it an absolute must-have for any self-respecting person. Here's why Lions Mane is one of our favorite ingredients:

1. Mind-expanding properties: Lions Mane is like a psychedelic journey for your brain, man. It's believed to support cognitive function and boost creativity, unlocking new realms of imagination. It's the ultimate tool for free-thinking people looking to expand their minds and tap into their artistic genius.

2. Neurotransmitter nirvana: Say goodbye to brain fog and hello to blissful neurotransmitter harmony. Lions Mane is thought to promote the production of crucial brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. It's like a natural high, helping you ride the waves of inspiration and maintain that blissed-out state of mind.

3. Zen-like focus: Need to zen out and find your inner peace? Lions Mane is the Zen master of mushrooms. It's said to improve concentration and help you stay in the moment, whether you're practicing yoga, meditating in nature, or curating your vintage vinyl collection.

4. Nervous system support: Lions Mane is like a soothing hug for your nervous system. It's believed to have a calming effect, reducing anxiety and promoting overall well-being. It's the perfect remedy for frazzled hustlers seeking balance in the chaos of urban life.

5. Gut-friendly vibes: We know that a healthy gut equals a happy life. Lions Mane has been linked to supporting gut health and promoting a thriving microbiome. It's like a symphony of gut-friendly bacteria, helping you maintain that effortlessly cool vibe from the inside out.



Ginkgo is an ancient wonder herb that's capturing the attention of people around the globe. This trendy botanical treasure brings a plethora of benefits to the table, making it a must-have for anybody. Let me break it down for you:

1. Brain-boosting brilliance: Ginkgo is like a secret weapon for enhancing cognitive prowess. Say goodbye to brain fog and hello to enhanced mental acuity and razor-sharp focus. It's the ultimate fuel for hustling through your creative projects and innovative endeavors.

2. Mood magic: Need a little pick-me-up? Ginkgo's got your back. It's known to be a mood enhancer, banishing negative vibes and bringing a sunny disposition. It's like a daily dose of positive vibes in a trendy little bottle.

3. Radical antioxidant power: We all know the importance of antioxidants in our health journey, right? Ginkgo is a powerhouse when it comes to fighting off those pesky free radicals that age us prematurely. It's like sipping on a cup of organic kale smoothie for your cells.

4. Flow like a pro: Ginkgo gets your blood pumping like an indie rock concert. Improved circulation means more energy, more vitality, and that effortlessly cool glow that makes you stand out in a crowd. It's the secret ingredient to keep up with your busy lifestyle.

5. Visionary vibes: Who says you can't have perfect vision? Ginkgo supports eye health like a true visionary. Keep those peepers in top shape and maintain your impeccable style, whether you're designing the next artisanal baby clothes line or capturing Instagram-worthy moments.



Ah, Holy Basil, the sacred herb that's making waves in the hipster scene! This mystical and aromatic plant brings a whole lot of goodness to the table, making it a must-have for any hipster seeking a holistic and mindful lifestyle. Here's why Holy Basil is the epitome of cool:

1. Zen-like tranquility: Holy Basil is like a mini-retreat in a stick pack. Sip on this herbal elixir and let its calming properties transport you to a state of inner peace and serenity. It's the ultimate antidote to the stresses of modern life, helping you maintain that blissful, centered vibe.

2. Mindful focus: Need to get into your flow state and tap into your creative juices? Holy Basil is your creative muse. It's believed to enhance mental clarity and focus, allowing you to dive deep into your artistic endeavors and express your unique soul.

3. Stress-busting power: We know the importance of keeping stress at bay. Holy Basil is like a shield against the pressures of conformity and societal expectations. It's known to support the body's stress response and help you maintain a balanced, chill demeanor even in the midst of chaos.

4. Immune-boosting mojo: We understand the importance of a robust immune system. Holy Basil is packed with antioxidants and other compounds that help strengthen your body's defenses. It's like a protective force field, ensuring you stay healthy and vibrant to keep pursuing your alternative passions.



Potassium, the mineral that's all about keeping your vibes in balance! This essential nutrient brings a whole array of benefits to the table, making it an absolute must for any health-conscious human who wants to keep their body and mind in harmony. Check out why potassium is the hippest thing since kale smoothies:

1. Electrolyte equilibrium: Potassium is like the conductor of your body's electrical system, keeping those positive and negative charges in perfect harmony. It helps maintain proper fluid balance, ensuring your cells are hydrated and your body is functioning at its peak. It's the key to keeping your cool even in the hottest of yoga classes or toughest of 3pm meetings.

2. Muscle magic: Need to stay flexy and agile for your next yoga session? Potassium is your secret weapon. It plays a vital role in muscle function, helping your muscles contract and relax with ease. It's like a backstage pass to nailing those impressive yoga poses and effortlessly rocking that dance party.

3. Heart harmony: Your heart is the beatbox of your body, and potassium keeps that rhythm smooth and groovy. It supports a healthy heart rate and helps regulate blood pressure. It's like the rhythm section of your body's jam band, keeping the vibes flowing and your cardiovascular system in perfect tune.

4. Brain boost: We know that a healthy and hydrated brain is the key to unlocking our creative potential. Potassium supports proper brain function, helping with cognitive performance, memory, and focus. It's like a mind-expanding superfood that helps you dive deep into your artistic projects and come up with the wildest ideas.

5. Plant-powered vibes: We're all about those plant-based vibes. Potassium is naturally abundant in many fruits and vegetables, like bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes. Embracing a potassium-rich diet not only supports your health but also aligns with your sustainable, earth-loving ethos. It's like connecting with nature's rhythm and nourishing your body with the coolest, plant-powered fuel.

Sea salt


Sea salt, the seasoning of choice for adding a dash of flavor and a sprinkle of uniqueness to your culinary adventures! This natural and unrefined salt brings a whole wave of benefits to the table, making it an absolute must for any food-savvy personwho wants to elevate their gastronomic game.

1. Mineral-rich goodness: Sea salt is like a treasure trove of minerals. Unlike its overly processed cousin, table salt, sea salt retains its natural mineral content, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It's like a gourmet blend of essential nutrients that adds depth and complexity to your dishes.

2. Flavorful finesse: We are all about savoring the authentic flavors of nature. Sea salt is the seasoning that takes your taste buds on a coastal adventure. Its unique composition and trace minerals enhance the flavors of your food, turning every bite into a symphony of deliciousness.

3. Artisanal appeal: We appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail in everything we consume. Sea salt can be sourced from unique coastal regions around the world, each with its own flavor profile and character. It's like curating a collection of small-batch salts, reflecting your refined taste and adventurous spirit.



Magnesium, the mystical mineral that's sending shockwaves through the health community! This essential nutrient brings a whole range of benefits to the table, making it an absolute must for any health-conscious person seeking to harmonize their mind, body, and spirit. Let me enlighten you about the perks of magnesium:

1. Zen-like relaxation: Magnesium is like a calming breeze for your nervous system. It supports relaxation and helps alleviate stress and anxiety. It's the ultimate chill pill for those hectic city vibes, allowing you to find your inner Zen and maintain a balanced state of mind.

2. Sleep-inducing magic: Need to catch those zzz's for your early morning yoga sesh? Magnesium is your go-to sleep aid. It promotes healthy sleep patterns and helps you unwind, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. It's like a lullaby for your soul.

3. Energy optimization: We need our energy levels to be on point for our creative pursuits. Magnesium is involved in energy production within our cells, boosting vitality and keeping fatigue at bay. It's like a renewable energy source that keeps your engines running smoothly.

4. Muscle-loving goodness: Whether you're a yogi, a cyclist, or a rooftop gardening enthusiast, magnesium has got your back. It supports muscle function and recovery, helping you stay flexible, agile, and ready to rock your lifestyle. It's like the backstage crew that ensures your body moves with grace and ease.

5. Mindful mood support: We understand the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. Magnesium plays a role in neurotransmitter regulation, supporting balanced mood and emotional well-being. It's like a cool, subtle vibe enhancer that helps you stay centered and radiate those positive vibes.